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有梦不觉寒 You will not feel cold when you have dreams. 作词(lyrics by):李邵华 苏玉娜 李胜哲 作曲(compose by):顾雄 李邵华 编曲(arrangements by):顾雄 原唱(propose): 李胜哲 看冬野无边 荒草连着天 Gazing at the endless winter landscape where the wilderness meets the sky 我不会消沉 一直很勇敢 I do not feel despair as I am brave. 有目标在前 多远都不算难 With a goal before me no distance is too far away. 信念就像朋友鼓励我向前 Faith is like a friend who encourages me to move forward. 走过千重山 努力的登攀 Passing countless mountains Working hard to reach the peak. 一路的坎坷 我们肩并肩走过 The path may be rough we walk along shoulder to shoulder. 有梦想在陪伴 其实并不算孤单 With dreams accompanying us we do not feel lonely. 只要你我相信,奇迹一定会出现 If we believe miracles can happen. 有梦不觉寒 敢于去挑战 With dreams we do not feel the cold we bravely face challenges. 【看天空多辽阔 美好在召唤】 (Looking at the wide skies perfection beckons us) 有梦不觉寒 我心有灿烂 With dreams I don't feel the cold as there is brilliance in my heart. 【尽管路途艰难 我也无悔无怨】 (The journey may be tough but I have no regrets). 相信我们会迎来春天 We believe we shall usher in the spring. 看冬野无边 荒草连着天 Gazing at the endless winter landscape where the wilderness meets the sky 我不会消沉 一直很勇敢 I do not feel despair as I am brave. 有目标在前 多远都不算难 With a goal before me no distance is too far away. 信念就像朋友鼓励我向前 Faith is like a friend who encourages me to move forward. 走过千重山 努力的登攀 Passing countless mountains Working hard to reach the peak. 一路的坎坷 我们肩并肩走过 The path may be rough we walk along shoulder to shoulder. 有梦想在陪伴 其实并不算孤单 With dreams accompanying us we do not feel lonely. 只要你我相信,奇迹一定会出现 If we believe miracles can happen. 有梦不觉寒 敢于去挑战 With dreams we do not feel the cold we bravely face challenges. 【看天空多辽阔 美好在召唤】 (Looking at the wide skies perfection beckons us) 有梦不觉寒 我心有灿烂 With dreams I don't feel the cold as there is brilliance in my heart. 【尽管路途艰难 我也无悔无怨】 (The journey may be tough but I have no regrets). 相信我们会迎来春天 We believe we shall usher in the spring. 有梦不觉寒 敢于去挑战 With dreams we do not feel the cold we bravely face challenges. 【看天空多辽阔 美好在召唤】 (Looking at the wide skies perfection beckons us) 有梦不觉寒 我心有灿烂 With dreams I don't feel the cold as there is brilliance in my heart. 【尽管路途艰难 我也无悔无怨】 (The journey may be tough but I have no regrets). 相信我们会迎来春天 We believe we shall usher in the spring. 相信我们会迎来春天 We believe we shall usher in the spring.
- 有梦不觉寒 - 李胜哲
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